About Us

Imagineering novel languages for the communication between human(s) and machine(s)

Established in 2021 and relocated to the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in 2023, the Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab aims at pioneering new technologies for the enhancement of medical care and healthcare. We pursue fundamental, translational, and radical blue-sky research to improve medicine for patients and healthcare professionals.

We adopt a holistic perspectivce on machine intelligence emphasizing on AI-driven technologies that enable meaningful collaboration between humans and machines. Therefore, we operate at the intersections of the fields of human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, extended reality, robotics, and medicine.

Examplary research areas include AI-based assistance systems for surgical procedures, systems for the assessment and diagnosis of diseases and disorders, telepresence procedures and robot-assisted rehabilitation measures.

We perform our research integratively as part of TUM’s School of Medicine and Health and the University Hospital Klinikum rechts der Isar, Department Clinical Medicine, with an affiliation to the Clinic for Orthopedics and Sports Orthopedics.




Daniel Roth


Human-Centered Computing, Machine Intelligence, Extended Reality, Robotics

Senior Research Scientists


Julian Kreimeier

Senior Researcher

Extended Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Interfaces & Interactivity



Constantin Kleinbeck

PhD Candidate

Extended Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Rendering, Interface & Interactivity


Shiyu Li

PhD Candidate

6D pose estimation, 3D object tracking, AR assembly guidance


Victor Schaack

PhD Candidate

Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Exoskeletons


Hannah Schieber

PhD Candidate

Computer Vision, Neural Rendering, Deep Learning, Extended Reality


Luisa Theelke

PhD Candidate

Digital Health, Machine Learning, Human-Computer Interaction

External Affiliated Researchers


Judith Friedl-Knirsch

PhD Candidate

Cross Reality, Empiric Evaluation, Human-Computer Interaction


Kristoffer Waldow

PhD Candidate

Mixed Reality, Avatar-based Communication, Artificial Intelligence, Motion Capture


Our research is centered around the understanding, design, development, and evaluation of computing solutions and human-machine interfaces that improve the way we interact with, work with, and communicate through machines. A majority of our research considers AI driven Extended Reality user interfaces in the context of physical and mental health, such as Virtual-, Mixed- or Augmented Reality systems. Examples of these are assistive technologies for medical procedures or systems to assess and diagnose pathologies and disorders.

To do so, we strive for foundational, translational, and radical scientific contributions with high methodological and experimental quality. Our research is inspired by multiple disciplines, including but not limited to Computer Science, Psychology, Design, Medicine, and Neuroscience. We incorporate methods from these disciplines, such as computer vision, computer graphics, artificial intelligence, and user-centered design in a broad methodological bandwidth to support our research goals. We closely interact with partners from medicine and industry to incorporate different perspectives.

KARVIMIO is a three-year BMBF funded project with a total volume of 1.73 Million Euros.
CT Volume Rendering in Mixed Reality
Highly realistic visualization of medical data in 3D
CT Volume Rendering in Mixed Reality
Smart Remote Extended Reality Teleconsultation and Product Guidance
Neural rendering and reconstruction for guidance
Smart Remote Extended Reality Teleconsultation and Product Guidance


Topic Areas

We offer theses in various research areas. Applications for thesis are considered to the dates 1st of April for the Summer Semester and 1st of October for the Winter Semester. We offer topics in the following areas:

  • Human-Centered Computing / Human-Computer Interaction
  • Machine Intelligence / Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Vision / Neural Rendering / Deep Learning
  • Extended Reality
  • Rendering, Interfaces & Interactivity
  • Robotics & Exoskeletons
  • Digital Health

If you are interested, please send your transcript of records, CV and motivation to the respective supervisor with CC to hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de.

Course: Exergames in Medicine and Health

This course deals with the theory, design, engineering and development of exergames. In the course, students will be provided with theoretical game-design, gamification and medical foundations and work in small groups to realize working exergame prototypes. Sample topics for theoretical discussions may include Cyber-rehabilitation, Gamification and Game Design.

Exemplary project themes could be:

  • Designing exergames for rehabilitation and physiotherapy
  • Designing gamified approaches for performance optimization in sports
  • VR supported simulations for patients with motor impairments

The course is designed in an interactive project format. Based on initial discussions and theoretical input, students research, design, develop, and evaluate solutions in the form of projects and studies in small groups following user-centered design and agile software engineering principles. Intermediate presentations of the project group members take place at regular intervals.

More information on how to register for the course will follow soon.

Open Positions


Open Position: We are looking for a lab assistant (20hours a week) to support lab activities. Computer Scientist, strong coding and demo skills, preferably background in robotics or augmented / virtual reality.

PhD / Postdoc

There are currently no open PhD or Postdoc positions. We will regularly update this page as positions open up, check back later!


Prof. Dr. Daniel Roth
Technical University of Munich
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Machine Intelligence in Orthopedics
Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab

  • Trogerstrasse 10, Munich, 81675
  • Find us on the third floor.
    Please direct postal deliveries to c/o Fritz Seidl, Ismaninger Str. 22
  • Twitter