Kristoffer Waldow

Kristoffer Waldow

PhD Candidate

TH Köln (Computer Graphics Group), TU Munich

Kristoffer is a PhD candidate at the Technical University of Munich, Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab and a research associate at the TH Köln, Computer Graphics research group. His field of interest is Mixed Reality (MR) technologies, especially human-computer interaction in MR environments to improve interpersonal communication and accessibility with avatars. He is currently researching in various funded projects to explore new technologies for human motion capture and sign language based on sensor fusion and machine learning.

  • Mixed Reality
  • Avatar-based Communication
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Motion Capture
  • PhD, 2022-now

    FAU Erlangen / TU Munich / TH Köln

  • MSc in Media Technology, 2019

    Technische Hochschule Köln

  • BSc in Media Technology, 2016

    Technische Hochschule Köln